Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Nebraska Social Scene

So A and I went for a lovely walk with Sarah and her little girl Blythe on Friday. Anders, in usual fashion, decided it was way too much work to try and stay awake in his moby, so instead of socializing he napped, and napped, and napped. After our walk, Sarah and Blythe came over for tea and for a chance for the babes to play a little. Oh yeah, and the two babes are only 1 day apart, Anders on 6/4 and Blythe on 6/5. Here's a few shots of the kiddos:

S and I also got to enjoy a beautiful Friday evening with our wonderful neighbors, their fun pup, a good outdoor fire and some champagne. I'm pretty sure bubbly and wood smoke are the best ways to start off a weekend.

The pups also got some "friend" time with 3, that's right 3 trips to the dog park. The guys love the park, which is a beautiful fenced in area about 10 minutes from our house, with space for the big dogs and the little dogs. Saturday, Bogey made a friend, a 20 lb beagle (yes, this is our 65 lb, hyperactive, leggy, 1 year old lab) who could easily barrel roll Bogey and kick his butt. Did I mention this beagle was 9 years old? And Bogey, in true insane puppy fashion, loved every minute of it. Cooper loves the park too, especially when there are fun weimeraners to play with...there's just something about them that makes Cooper have an extra bounce in his step.

Since I was too busy watching the pups and wearing Anders to remember my camera, here's a shot of the pups with Anders from 2 weeks ago (I'm a really bad blogger lately....)
No Baby legs were crushed in the making of this picture. Bogey and Anders with Cooper looking on in supervisory mode.

Bogey and Anders.

Bogey making sure Anders doesn't get all the attention.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Haha, Love that last picture