Thursday, September 23, 2010

When S is Out Of Town...

Everything falls apart. Okay, not really, but last night they sure did! Here was our fabulous schedule:

4:00-Get home from work/day care with A (we left at 8, so not too long of a day), arrive to dog vomit on our floor

6:15-Anders crashes 45 minutes early in my arms, then wakes up immediately when he's put in his crib

6:30-7:00-Spend 30 minutes reading to A while he is in his crib until he finally crashes and stays asleep

7:30-Sit down for dinner and to catch up on "trashy" tv, 30 seconds in our dog promptly pukes on our white carpet. 4 times. Begin monster clean-up.

8:00-9:30-Finally eat dinner, do laundry and go to bed with the pups.

10:30-11:30-Dog vomits on bed as I am falling asleep. Change sheets, clean bed and send dogs downstairs.

1:00-2:00-Dogs sneak back into bed and Bogey pukes again on my clean sheets. Put on 3rd set of sheets for the night.

3:00-3:30-A wakes up and starts talking to himself. This is common and lots of times he falls back asleep, but I am still half awake the whole time.

3:30-4:15-Anders starts squealing. I get to his crib to discover he has flipped himself 180 degrees around and is trying new acrobatics never before seen out of this kiddo. He eats 8 oz like a piglet, but is wide awake. We read Goodnight Moon 4 times and he finally crashes.

4:15-7:45-Chuck dogs behind their gate and I crash on the couch to get some sleep. Fall asleep around 6 to some movie about polygamy and dream that S comes back from his trip with 2 wives....

7:45-8:30-A gets up for the day, again he has flipped all the way around in his crib.

So far A has napped a total of 20 minutes since he got up, and I think we are on the verge of teething-which means everything goes into his mouth and he is kinda cranky. Oh yeah, and the vomiting dog is still at it. I think it's just a bit of gastroenteritis, so withholding food is on the docket for tonight...this should be fun.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our Adorable Monster Baby

Here's a shot of A and I from this past weekend.

Can we just note how HUGE our little 3.5 month old is?! (Mind you, I'm 6', so the fact that he takes up a lot of my torso is nuts.)

I didn't quite realize how huge he was until I saw him in daycare with some other kiddos around who were quite a bit smaller and crawling and trying to walk. When I asked how old they were we found out they were 9 MONTHS! Anders outweighed them by only 2 lbs, but he was at least 3-4 inches longer.

Yep, he's a monster baby. I'm thinking 6'4"?

Oh yeah, and he's already in 6-9 month pants for the length, and 9 month rompers. It's pretty hilarious that you could fit two of him in them for the width, but they are just barely long enough.

Welcome to the world of highwater pants little guy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Canada bound?

I'm thinking it's time to move to Canada. Not only does one reap the benefits of poutine, but also their fabulous health care.

Let me just say, we will have paid over 14k between medical bills and premiums (we have really poor insurance coverage), and our premium costs will increase from $6600 annually to $9768 as of January 1st, and our deductible is going up $1500. Let me just mention that S works for a large, well known architecture and engineering firm, one that due to their reputation, you would think they would offer better coverage for their employees....

I'm this close to setting up a flatscreen outside of our home and playing Moore's Sicko on repeat 24/7 for the next 3 months.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Growing Like a Weed

Remember our skinny little guy???
Anders at 1 week old, and only 6.5 lbs.

Yep, our little guy had such huge issues nursing that he lost 1.3 lbs in under 7 days. His birth weight was 7.8, and by 4 days after birth we found out that he was losing weight quickly and his bloodwork was not doing too well.

Needless to say, he is now a huge noodle baby! At 3 months he is 26.5 inches and 14. lbs. He can still get into some 0-3 month onesies, but he is in 6-12 month pants! I am guessing his height comes from S (6'2") and I (6'), but that's just a guess...

Anders sleeping on our bed at 12 weeks.

We are so thankful we were able to figure out A's feeding issues. I no longer feel like not nursing makes me an epic failure as a mom, and seeing the look of excitement on our pediatrician's face when she sees how huge A is, makes me feel like we have finally overcome all of our frustrations and that all of those tears the first few weeks were completely worth it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

She Works Hard for the Money

Yep, it's official, I'm going back to work.

After trying to be a happy and sane stay-at-home-mom for Anders I have decided that it's not for me, and I am re-entering the work force, also known as my first introduction to the Nebraska working world.

There are a ton of "ifs" that surrounded my decision: if we lives closer to family and friends would I be happy being at home?; If S was still working for a family business and I got to see him more often would I be happy?; If I went to more 'Moms' groups and spent my day with other stay-at-home-moms, would I be happy?; if, if if.... But all the "ifs" just added up to me knowing that in my heart, I had never wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom, and that the best thing I could do for my family is to recognize how I feel and actively work to make a change.

S and I both had to come to terms with the fact that me wanting to go back to work does not mean that I love A less than I should. It does not mean he will be being raised by someone else. It does not mean my time with my child will be any less meaningful. And, it certainly does not mean that I am harming my child by leaving him. Staying home works well for some people and working is best for others.

Thankfully, I have found a gold mine in landing the coveted Part-Time job, with flexible hours! My schedule is starting off with Monday-Wednesday, 9-3, and I can change it at any time. I'm thinking I will switch to working 9-3 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, to give A a break from day care midweek. I will be working 10 minutes from our house, right in the "heart" of the city, for a locally owned all natural meat marketing and sales company. More details to come on the position later!

As for A, he will be in a day care a half mile from our home. We chose a child care center (and are paying out the nose for it!) because we wanted the reliability of a center that is always open instead of a home day care which can close due to illness or personal emergency. We also had to hunt to find a center that would accept a part-time infant since we only anticipate A being there 20-21 hours/week. To help with the "adjustment" for our whole family, A will be going to his day care Thursday for 4 hours while I am home as a trail run, and then officially starting up on Monday on my first day.

In all honesty, when I got the offer, I was relieved and excited. S and I have debated over and over if I should go to work since there was no clear "here's what we have to do" path. We get all of our benefits from S and we live off of his income, but for my mental sanity, we both knew me getting a job was the best idea for our family. And so, I can officially add "working mom" to my life job title...starting Monday.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We had a great labor day weekend with my parents who came out for a visit from VT. We headed out to the "country" and visited the Arbor State Park out in Nebraska City. It was great to get out of the city and get some fresh air!

Anders decided to talk a lot this weekend. When you ask him a question he now giggles and talks back almost 100% of the time. It makes life so much more fun to have a happy little kiddo on hand! He is also smiling a ton, sleeping through the night about 90% of the time, and is a monster, wearing exclusively 3-6 or 6 month clothing. We no longer can rock "normal" footed sleepers, he has to be in 6 month ones which are huge around the midsection, but just barely long enough for our 26+ incher.

Our weekend also consisted of eating out at Blue, where we got to show off Anders' social skills. Most nights, if we want to go out, we aim for a 7:30 reservation, which means A is typically down in his carseat for his 7 pm bed time and we can eat with a sleeping baby. However, every now and then he decides to stay up and socialize with the rest of the world. We spent Sunday night at Blue and A was up the entire time. He chatted with Nana and Gramps as S and I passed him back and forth while mastering the eating with chopsticks while holding a wiggly baby skill. Thankfully, our little guy is a trooper and spent the whole time happy as a WIDE awake and very alert baby, which makes S and I very happy.

Overall, we had a great weekend and we cannot wait for S's parents to come out in a week and a half. They will be our last visitors until Christmas. We are headed to VT and NH in October, and we cannot wait!

Some shots from the weekend:

Our monster 3 month old with Nana (my mom) and his fabulous Janie and Jack hat
Flying baby in another fabulous hat.
We really, really like hats. This one was knit by a wonderful bartender S's parents chatted up at their favorite NE steakhouse bar. When A wears it he LOVES the attention he gets.
Family shot.
My parents.
And, finally, one very tired baby.