Yep, it's official, I'm going back to work.
After trying to be a happy and sane stay-at-home-mom for Anders I have decided that it's not for me, and I am re-entering the work force, also known as my first introduction to the Nebraska working world.
There are a ton of "ifs" that surrounded my decision: if we lives closer to family and friends would I be happy being at home?; If S was still working for a family business and I got to see him more often would I be happy?; If I went to more 'Moms' groups and spent my day with other stay-at-home-moms, would I be happy?; if, if if.... But all the "ifs" just added up to me knowing that in my heart, I had never wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom, and that the best thing I could do for my family is to recognize how I feel and actively work to make a change.
S and I both had to come to terms with the fact that me wanting to go back to work does not mean that I love A less than I should. It does not mean he will be being raised by someone else. It does not mean my time with my child will be any less meaningful. And, it certainly does not mean that I am harming my child by leaving him. Staying home works well for some people and working is best for others.
Thankfully, I have found a gold mine in landing the coveted Part-Time job, with flexible hours! My schedule is starting off with Monday-Wednesday, 9-3, and I can change it at any time. I'm thinking I will switch to working 9-3 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, to give A a break from day care midweek. I will be working 10 minutes from our house, right in the "heart" of the city, for a locally owned all natural meat marketing and sales company. More details to come on the position later!
As for A, he will be in a day care a half mile from our home. We chose a child care center (and are paying out the nose for it!) because we wanted the reliability of a center that is always open instead of a home day care which can close due to illness or personal emergency. We also had to hunt to find a center that would accept a part-time infant since we only anticipate A being there 20-21 hours/week. To help with the "adjustment" for our whole family, A will be going to his day care Thursday for 4 hours while I am home as a trail run, and then officially starting up on Monday on my first day.
In all honesty, when I got the offer, I was relieved and excited. S and I have debated over and over if I should go to work since there was no clear "here's what we have to do" path. We get all of our benefits from S and we live off of his income, but for my mental sanity, we both knew me getting a job was the best idea for our family. And so, I can officially add "working mom" to my life job title...starting Monday.
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
Good Luck with the new job! Anders will just do fine too at daycare, he knows his Mommy loves him
Congrats again on the new job! It really sounds like you've got a great thing worked out there.
Congrats and good luck, this sounds like a great plan for you guys and I glad you have found a job you are so excited about!
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