Everything falls apart. Okay, not really, but last night they sure did! Here was our fabulous schedule:
4:00-Get home from work/day care with A (we left at 8, so not too long of a day), arrive to dog vomit on our floor
6:15-Anders crashes 45 minutes early in my arms, then wakes up immediately when he's put in his crib
6:30-7:00-Spend 30 minutes reading to A while he is in his crib until he finally crashes and stays asleep
7:30-Sit down for dinner and to catch up on "trashy" tv, 30 seconds in our dog promptly pukes on our white carpet. 4 times. Begin monster clean-up.
8:00-9:30-Finally eat dinner, do laundry and go to bed with the pups.
10:30-11:30-Dog vomits on bed as I am falling asleep. Change sheets, clean bed and send dogs downstairs.
1:00-2:00-Dogs sneak back into bed and Bogey pukes again on my clean sheets. Put on 3rd set of sheets for the night.
3:00-3:30-A wakes up and starts talking to himself. This is common and lots of times he falls back asleep, but I am still half awake the whole time.
3:30-4:15-Anders starts squealing. I get to his crib to discover he has flipped himself 180 degrees around and is trying new acrobatics never before seen out of this kiddo. He eats 8 oz like a piglet, but is wide awake. We read Goodnight Moon 4 times and he finally crashes.
4:15-7:45-Chuck dogs behind their gate and I crash on the couch to get some sleep. Fall asleep around 6 to some movie about polygamy and dream that S comes back from his trip with 2 wives....
7:45-8:30-A gets up for the day, again he has flipped all the way around in his crib.
So far A has napped a total of 20 minutes since he got up, and I think we are on the verge of teething-which means everything goes into his mouth and he is kinda cranky. Oh yeah, and the vomiting dog is still at it. I think it's just a bit of gastroenteritis, so withholding food is on the docket for tonight...this should be fun.
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
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