Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We had a great labor day weekend with my parents who came out for a visit from VT. We headed out to the "country" and visited the Arbor State Park out in Nebraska City. It was great to get out of the city and get some fresh air!

Anders decided to talk a lot this weekend. When you ask him a question he now giggles and talks back almost 100% of the time. It makes life so much more fun to have a happy little kiddo on hand! He is also smiling a ton, sleeping through the night about 90% of the time, and is a monster, wearing exclusively 3-6 or 6 month clothing. We no longer can rock "normal" footed sleepers, he has to be in 6 month ones which are huge around the midsection, but just barely long enough for our 26+ incher.

Our weekend also consisted of eating out at Blue, where we got to show off Anders' social skills. Most nights, if we want to go out, we aim for a 7:30 reservation, which means A is typically down in his carseat for his 7 pm bed time and we can eat with a sleeping baby. However, every now and then he decides to stay up and socialize with the rest of the world. We spent Sunday night at Blue and A was up the entire time. He chatted with Nana and Gramps as S and I passed him back and forth while mastering the eating with chopsticks while holding a wiggly baby skill. Thankfully, our little guy is a trooper and spent the whole time happy as a WIDE awake and very alert baby, which makes S and I very happy.

Overall, we had a great weekend and we cannot wait for S's parents to come out in a week and a half. They will be our last visitors until Christmas. We are headed to VT and NH in October, and we cannot wait!

Some shots from the weekend:

Our monster 3 month old with Nana (my mom) and his fabulous Janie and Jack hat
Flying baby in another fabulous hat.
We really, really like hats. This one was knit by a wonderful bartender S's parents chatted up at their favorite NE steakhouse bar. When A wears it he LOVES the attention he gets.
Family shot.
My parents.
And, finally, one very tired baby.

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