Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our Adorable Monster Baby

Here's a shot of A and I from this past weekend.

Can we just note how HUGE our little 3.5 month old is?! (Mind you, I'm 6', so the fact that he takes up a lot of my torso is nuts.)

I didn't quite realize how huge he was until I saw him in daycare with some other kiddos around who were quite a bit smaller and crawling and trying to walk. When I asked how old they were we found out they were 9 MONTHS! Anders outweighed them by only 2 lbs, but he was at least 3-4 inches longer.

Yep, he's a monster baby. I'm thinking 6'4"?

Oh yeah, and he's already in 6-9 month pants for the length, and 9 month rompers. It's pretty hilarious that you could fit two of him in them for the width, but they are just barely long enough.

Welcome to the world of highwater pants little guy.

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