That being said, here are the things I am thankful for in August:
1) Sunday Mornings. We try and spend about an hour every Sunday morning in our bed as a family. Typically, this happens around 7, when A is awake, the coffee has been made and we have the paper. We feed Anders and relax with the pups while watching sports center or the Sunday news.
Okay, this Sunday's isn't a great was a rough Saturday Night.
2) Books, books and more books. S and I have loved reading to Anders from day one. We own the classics, Goodnight Moon, Runaway Bunny, Guess How Much I Love You, etc... but we really love to read from chapter books, especially at his night feedings which can take 30 minutes or more at times. This week we started A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond. This book is actually a copy that my parents gave me for my 4th Christmas-according to the note on the inside page.
There is something about reading a children's book to your child that makes everything in the world disappear and keeps you right in that moment.
3) The beginning of Fall. This was our first summer in Nebraska and it killed us to have week upon week of 90+ degree temperatures with a heat index reaching over 100. The past 2 weeks have been much nicer, 80's mostly and even a few 70's. We have finally gotten to have fresh air in the house and to use our oven again without getting severly overheated!
4) Family. This month we had a plethera of wonderful visitors. Starting at the end of July we had S's mom, my cousin, Judy, S's sisters and Anders and I went to Florida to visit S's parents and sister. We are so very lucky to have family that is willing to come and visit us in our new home. This week my parents will be coming out for a visit and then shortly after S's parents will be out for a long weekend.
S's sisters and a sleepy Anders.
5) Coffee. It has been a tiring few weeks, and coffee is my best friend to get through the mornings where all you want to do is go back to bed and sleep the day away. I like it think as sludge with a pinch of sugar and a splash of cream. There is something about that first morning cup that just gets me going more than anything else can.