Thursday, August 5, 2010

Anders Update

We just finished up 1.5 weeks of visitors, and it was fabulous! First, S's Mom was out for a visit and then my cousin, Judy, came out to see Anders for the first time. During the visits S and I got some much needed sleep and VERY much needed family time.

Anders has a few new tricks over the past 2 weeks, including:
-Smiling all the time, especially when S gets home from work and says "Hi Anders!"
-Giggling on occasion
-Discovering how to smack his toys with his fist. Which makes him giggle if they make noise when he does it.
-A newly developed hatred for his panda on his Bouncer
-The ability to go almost all day without a solid nap. Anders HATES to miss anything, therefore he never sleeps, ever.

And he is officially 2 Months old!

Anders also got Duck Feet from Judy

He is still unsure about them...

We also got a great shot of our poor forgotten pups, Cooper and Bogey, sharing the tiniest bed ever:

They are down to one bed since they have demolished their other 2 in the past month...

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Awww the duck feet are adorable!! He's such a cute baby! And that picture of your two dogs on the tiniest bed ever makes me smile!