We moved A down to his crib (which is on the first floor of our house, the master is on the second) at 6 weeks. Instantly, we started a sleep routine to get him used to his new room and schedule. Between 6:30-7:00 we go into his room and start our bedtime ritual: first he's changed into a new diaper and a sleep gown, then S settles into the rocker with A and feeds him his pre-dinner bottle (usually 3-4 oz) and I read-this week it's Alice in Wonderland. After the food is finished and Anders is burped he goes down in his crib while he is drowsy but awake and we head out of the room. Anders will typically talk to himself for about 10-15 minutes and then he is out for the night.
At first we had feedings around 1:30 and 4:30, then Anders would be up for the day at 7. As of Sunday, Anders has finally knocked himself down to one feeding a night! We put him down around 7:00 and he wakes up at 4:15 to eat. Sometimes he is waking up at 1:00, but when he does he just talks to himself for 10 minutes then falls back asleep. S has been taking the 4:15ish feedings, since that is when he typically gets up for work, and then Anders falls back asleep until 7:30.
After having 6 weeks of 3-5 feedings/night, and then 4 weeks of 2 LONG feedings/night, this 1 feeding thing is FABULOUS! S and I have not felt this rested in a very long time, and we finally have the energy to do more around the house. Admittedly, it means I finally have the energy to start a workout plan to lose the post-baby jiggle...but I would much rather be playing in the garden!
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
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