Friday, August 6, 2010

Favorite Baby Things Month 2

Now that we are entering our 3rd month with Anders, here are a few of our favorite baby things...

Our Baby Einstein Bouncer
This Bouncer rocks our world. S and I had originally looked into getting one with less excitement (ie: no vibration or noise) and we are glad we went with this one. Many thanks to S's parents for getting it for Anders! So far it has been the most helpful when I have wanted to go outside and garden, Anders gets to join me and I don't have to get overheated while wearing him.

Born Free Bottles
Okay, so I raved about the Dr. Brown bottles before, but now that we have tried the Born Free bottles, with level 2 nipples I will never go back! Anders is less gassy and now eats like a normal baby, no more 1-1.5 hour long feedings. We owe many thanks, and our sanity, to Judy for suggesting a bottle swap out.

Gerber Organic Onesies
S and I Love, Love Love these onesies. Organic clothing in Nebraska is much harder to come by than we expected, and we try and buy as much organic clothing for Anders as possible. The Gerber Organic Onesies are not only insanely affordable, but they also fit Anders really well. He just barely graduated to the 0-3 month size and we are hanging onto his newborn onesies for Baby L the distant future!

Wimmer Ferguson Infant Stimulation Mobile

S & I agreed that we did not want a standard mobile in our baby's crib because our "research" has suggested they are more for aesthetics than the infant's growth and entertainment. Besides, the thought of our kiddo staring at animal butts all day (yep, that's what you see when you hold most mobiles above your head) was not our favorite thing. Once we moved Anders to his crib, it became apparent that we needed some type of mobile. We LOVE this mobile because it actually faces down at the child, plus Anders is enthralled by it and trys to babble to it when it moves with his fan.

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